18 DIY Cinder Block Garden Projects [Picture Instructions]

13.  Concrete Cinder Block Garden Planter Shelf

DIY Concrete Cinder Block Garden Planter Shelf-10 Simple Cinder Block Garden Projects

Image: Free People

14. DIY Outdoor Cinder Block Lounge

Extended Living Space on a Budget with outdoor sofa and lounge.

DIY Outdoor Cinder Block Lounge-10 DIY Concrete Block Furniture Projects

Image and Instructions: Lowes Creative Ideas

15. DIY Cinder Block Garden Fence

Build a fence with cinder blocks and wood.

DIY Cinder Block Garden Fence-10 Simple Cinder Block Garden Projects

Image:  Pinterest

16. DIY Cinder Block Birdhouse

DIY Cinder Block Birdhouse-10 Simple Cinder Block Garden Projects

Image and Instructions: Lowes

17. DIY Cinder Block Raised Garden Box

Cinder blocks make a great barrier if you want make your very own raised bed garden, and you can even use the little holes to plant even more flowers or herbs. The only other supplies you’ll need are a couple of cardboard boxes, soil and your plants. If you are thinking about adding a raised bed to your garden, this cinder block garden bed is quick and easy to install, and less expensive.

DIY Cinder Block Raised Garden Box-10 Simple Cinder Block Garden Projects

Image: Enterment NYMetaLucy’s Nest

18. DIY Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed

DIY Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed Instruction-10 Simple Cinder Block Garden Projects

Image and Instructions:  I Save A to ZSavvy Gardening