20 Low Budget DIY PVC Garden Projects You Can Do [Picture Instructions]

A list of  DIY PVC Garden Projects with DIY instructions on low budget. PVC pipe are often used in house construction and watering fitting, but because of its versatile and multi-purpose feasibility, they are now widely used for home decorating and garden supply. Join our Garden Community with these DIY PVC Garden Projects we compiled with DIY Instructions available that you can easily do by yourself, take advantage of the lightweight structure of the pipe and its durability to create variety of useful things in the garden and landscaping. Cut and assemble, drill and paint, these pipes can be easily turned into garden trellis, tomato cages, watering system, green house and more garden fixtures in a breeze.

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01. PVC Tomato Cage

PVC Tomato Cage DIY Instructions - Low Budget DIY PVC Garden Projects

Customize your own tomato cage for indeterminate tomato plants grow using PVC for different dimensions. Image and DIY Instructions: Instructables

02. Single PVC Tomato Cage with Watering Pipe

Single PVC Tomato Cage with Watering Pipe DIY Instructions - Low Budget DIY PVC Garden Projects

Image and DIY Instructions: Homestead Lifestyle

03. PVC Victory Garden Frame

PVC Victory Garden Frame DIY Instructions - Low Budget DIY PVC Garden Projects

Image and DIY Instructions: Big Red Kitchen

04. Mini PVC Greenhouse

Mini PVC Greenhouse DIY Instructions - Low Budget DIY PVC Garden Projects

A mini PVC Greenhouse made out of PVC pipes and old shower curtain liners, which are attached to the pipes with 2 inch lengths of vinyl tubing which have been split down one side. Image and DIY Instructions: Crafty Cattery

05. Fold-Down Greenhouse

Fold-Down PVC Greenhouse DIY Instructions - Low Budget DIY PVC Garden Projects

Image and DIY Instructions: Bonnie Plants

06. PVC Hydroponics Unit

PVC Hydroponics Unit DIY Instructions - Low Budget DIY PVC Garden Projects

Image and DIY Instructions: Instructables

07. Simple PVC Birdhouse

Simple PVC Birdhouse DIY Instructions - Low Budget DIY PVC Garden Projects

Image and DIY Instructions: Instructables