A list of DIY Wood Crate Furniture Ideas & Projects with instructions. Wood Crates are extremely handy and can be used a basic unit for many wood furniture by stacking or arranging them in different sorts of layouts or adding casters. Our
Home Furniture Channel today is going to make a list on how to make Wood Crate Furniture Ideas & Projects with different solutions to meet our space requirements. Place them on entryway, hanging on wall for extra storage, make it rolling for end table or toy storage. It’s easy to
re-purpose wooden crates into coffee table by assembling the wine crates in square or rectangular form which we have separated the collection . Just find to size that can meet our demands to fit the room, paint, stain or transform images, rethink our whole plan before assembly. We can follow the build up plan to make wood crate ourselves from basic 2×4 or 2×6, from wood scratch, pallet woods or we can just buy wine crate directly. Scroll down to see any inspirations you get to make your own.
01. Crate Table Workstation

Image only: Unknown [Twitter us if the source is yours]; Instructions: Petti Coat Junktion
02. DIY Wood Crate Bookshelf

Image and Instructions: Coris Corner & Tara Michelle Interiors
03. DIY Wood Crate Built in Shelving

Image and Instructions: Eastcoast Creative Blog & BHG Decorating
04. DIY Wood Crate Built in Laundry Storage

Image and Instructions:Home Depot Blog
05. DIY Wood Crate Bathroom Storage

Image and Instructions: Home Depot Blog
06. DIY Wood Crate Tractor Toy Box

Image and Instructions: The Keeper of The Cheerios
07. DIY Wood Crate Ottoman

Image and Instructions: Jennifer Decorates
08. DIY Wood Crate Storage Table

Image and Instructions: Littlered Brick House [Top] & Dwell Beautiful
DIY Wood Crate Pipe Industrial Table

Image and Instructions: B Repurposed
09. DIY Industrial Wood Crate Toy Box

Image and Instructions: Addicted 2 DIY
10. DIY Wood Crate Ironing Station

Image and Instructions: Craftaholics Anonymous