19. Crochet Flower Starburst Hot Pad

Crochet squares and join these singles as origami flower motif, which is so versatile to join different numbers to make it large. Or crochet with thin thread to use on Jewelry attachment. Image and Free Pattern: Loretta Schepp On Ravelry; Video: Anel Gomez on Youtube
20. Crochet Weaved Hotpad

Image: Merkur & Naztazia and Free Pattern:Kimberly Langlois on Ravelry; Video: Guidecentral English
21. Crochet Cala Lily Potholder

Image: Pink Rose Crochet; Free Pattern [Video]: Trenda Lerenda Crochet on Youtube
22. Spoke Mandala Potholder

Image and Free Pattern: Marinke Slump on Ravelry
23. Crochet Christmas Ball Potholder

Image and Free Pattern: Live Master
24. Squared Waffle Potholder

A twist on the traditional waffle stitch, where it created in rows. : Buttonnose Crochet