07. DIY Botanical Prints Spray Paint Canvas
Image and Instructions: BHG Decorating
08. DIY Spray Painted Doily Canvas
Image and Instructions: Shealynn Benner
09. DIY 4 Seasons Button Tree Wall Art
Image and Instructions: Crafts By Amanda
10. DIY Pouncers Dotting Canvas 
Image and Instructions: Dabbles and Babbles
11. DIY Glossy Button Tree Canvas
Combine the color in same tone, make vintage ones with fabric button, be sure to add gloss after you mod podge the buttons on canvas.
Image and Instructions: Jodiwiley Sketches
12. DIY Ribbon Ballerina Canvas
Image: Floras Shop on Etsy; and Instructions: Afro Cat on Youtube
13. DIY Plastic Animal Toy Canvas 
Image and Instructions: Mod Podge Rocks