18 DIY Green House Projects [Picture Instructions]

We can see more green house gardening now in rural areas, greenhouses can extend our growing season, allow us to propagate plants from own garden and grow plants we might not otherwise be able to grow.  Right, our Garden Channel is going to talk all about DIY versions of green houses. A Green House offers controlled temperatures, humidity which helps planting harvest! It also helps protect our seedlings and growing plants from cold and critters in cold weathers. However, a commercial greenhouse can be too expensive to buy, luckily we have so many DIY greenhouse ideas which we can follow the plans and instructions to construct one on our own easily on low budget.

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DIY Garden Fountain Landscaping Ideas [Picture Instructions]

01. DIY Portable Window Cold Frame

Portable cold frames are ideal for protecting germinating seeds or seedlings.

DIY Portable Window Cold Frame Greenhouse-18 DIY Green House Projects Instructions

DIY Portable Window Cold Frame Greenhouse Instructions -18 DIY Green House Projects Instructions

Image and Instructions: For The Love of LillianBonnie Plants

02. Reclaimed Windows Greenhouse

DIY Reclaimed Windows Greenhouse Instructions -18 DIY Green House Projects Instructions

Image and Instructions: Instructables

03. DIY Trampoline Greenhouse

DIY Trampoline Greenhouse-18 DIY Green House Projects Instructions

Image and Instructions: How Does SheRelated Post: DIY Trampoline Recycle Projects

04. DIY Wood Barn Greenhouse

This wooden barn greenhouse would hold up very well even where it get really windy in the winter to grow everything and anything.

DIY Barn Greenhouse-18 DIY Green House Projects Instructions

Image and Instructions:  Ana White

05. DIY GeoDome Greenhouse

This geodome greenhouse is perfect for areas with high winds and heavy snows.

DIY GeoDome Greenhouse Free Plan Instruction-18 DIY Green House Projects Instructions

Image and Instructions: Northern Homestead

06. DIY Plastic Bottle Greenhouse

Build a frugal greenhouse with empty plastic bottles which works as well as any other.

DIY Plastic Bottle Greenhouse Free Plan-18 DIY Green House Projects Instructions

Image: Unknown; Free Plan: Arc World; Instructions: HubPages

07. DIY Mini Storm Window Greenhouse

DIY Mini Storm Window Greenhouse-18 DIY Green House Projects Instructions

Image and Instructions: Design Dreams by Anne