06. DIY Cactus & Succulents Terrarium in a Glass
Image and Instructions: Laura Ockel
07. DIY Succulent Sand Art Terrariums
Image and Instructions: Design Improvised
08. DIY Miniature Dessert Terrarium
Image and Instructions: Schere Leimpapier
09. DIY Colored Sand Succulent Planter Terrarium
Image and Instructions:A Little Craft in Your Day
10. DIY Sand Art Zen Garden
For those who love meditation, or a peaceful decoration for home and office, a miniature Zen garden as following can provide you with a sense of calm and an outlet for stress and anxiety. Create your small-scale miniature zen garden for a short time relaxation and meditation into your busy and hectic life.
Image and Instructions: Slap Dash Mom
11. DIY Beach Sand Terrarium
Image: Beach Cottage Boutique on Etsy
12. DIY Dessert Sand Terrarium 
Image: Pinterest