21. DIY Wood Crate Desk
Image and Instructions: Home Talk
22. DIY Crate Cabinet with Sliding Drawers
Image and Instructions: Virginia Sweet Pea
23. DIY Wood Crate Toy Storage Unit
Image and Instructions: Wilkerdos
24. DIY Wood Crate Wine Rack
Image and Instructions: Home Depot & My Anything and Everything
25. DIY Wood Crate Shelves 
Image: Unknown [Above]; and Instructions: Mr Kate
26. DIY Wood Crate Side Table
Same ideas, but mount the casters on the side to make rolling crate side table.
Image: Unknown; and Instructions: Addicted 2 DIY & DIY Dreamer & The Shabby Creek Cottage
27. DIY Wood Crate Wall Bookshelf
Image: BHG Home; Instructions: I Heart Organizing
28. DIY Wood Crate Cabinet
Image and Instructions: Number Fifty Three
29. DIY Wood Crate Shoe Bench

Image and Instructions: Handimania